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I like getting feedback from people who show a lot of potential, and it's exciting to witness to new talents developing and bourgeoning. I always try to stay around the newest stuff, I don't like to stay with something that's kind of old or approaching it.
When I started Fool's Gold and producing consistent records that were like electro beats with rapping on it that was experimental and weird. I made a mixtape called Dirty South Dance where I put rap vocals over dance music. That was literally an experiment. Now all these rappers are rapping on dance music. This is something I've been trying to build for a while.
At the end of the day, Fool's Gold is a label that, when I hear something I like, I try to grab it for the label. There's a ton of great music coming out.
I do remember, and then when I try to remember, I forget.
A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.
If possible, try to find a way to come downstairs that doesn't involve going bump, bump, bump, on the back of your head.
When having a smackerel of something with a friend, don't eat so much that you get stuck in the doorway trying to get out.
We've spent now about 150 years trying to convince ourselves that photographs are reliable evidence, some unimpeachable slice of the real world. That was a myth from the very beginning.
I try to take everyone's head off, to tell the truth.
The Bible talks a lot about thankfulness, and I'm more thankful than I ever was. I try to concentrate on the hundreds of things that go right in a day, instead of the three or four that go wrong.
In trying to avoid one sin I've committed another.
If you just try long enough and hard enough, you can always manage to boot yourself in the posterior.
I try to meditate every day for at least 5 minutes. I put my phone on silent, sit in quiet and try and find my center.
I try to be an open book now as much as possible.
I, personally, am trying to get more and more involved with the gay and lesbian movement, very much so.
Vulnerability and me go hand and hand now. I try to put myself first so that I can take care of my family so I try not to fight vulnerability as much now.
I have a dreadful fear that the more you try to prevent revealing the self the more you do.
I am a profound pessimist both about life and about human relations and about politics and ecology. Humans are inadequate and stupid creatures who sooner or later make a mess, and those who are trying to do good do a lot more damage than those who are muddling along.
There is a certain aesthetic pleasure in trying to imagine the unimaginable and failing, if you are a reader.
Try lighting your house by prayer instead of electricity and see which one works.