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Translatero.com > Citations > Citations Courtney Love

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Only dumb people are happy.
The language of love letters is the same as suicide notes.
Real girls aren't perfect, and perfect girls aren't real
No guy is worth your tears, but when you find that one that could be worth it, he shouldn't make you cry.
I want every girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming.
Being offended is part of being in the real world.
Rock is all about writing your own script; it's all about pioneering.
If you treat a girl like a dog, she is going to piss on you.
I think self-destructiveness is given a really bad rap. I think it can also mean self-reflection and poetic sensiblity. It can mean empathy, hedonism, a libertarianism.
I wish I was beautiful or at least wise, but I’m simply mad and violent.
You’ve got to be prepared for the names they are going to call you compared to your male peers… You will be a floozy and a slattern. He will be virile and a ladies’ man. You will be a freakshow, a retching wretch, a sloppy drunk. He will be charismatic, vainglorious, a ferocious drunk and Dionysian. You will be indiscriminate and desperate. He will be generous, tortured and driven.
Everything that becomes true starts with a manifesto
Don't be bitter and mean 'couse you don’t fit in, it’s a GIFT. Look at you. you’ve got your individuality, you don’t have the herd instinct, you can read Neitzsche and understand it. Only dumb people are happy.
I've discreetly dated a lot of people - I once dated a billionaire, mostly because it was fun to say, "I'm dating a billionaire," but we did not have the same taste in music, and it was doomed.
You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to take marijuana. I don’t really like coke anymore. I’m scared of ecstasy. The one drug I'd like to try one day is Ayahuasca, which should be mandatory for everybody. It’s apparently this crazy tea that gives you these intense hallucinations. Everyone who takes it sees a wise old black man who takes you on a wild journey. I’m not going to name names, but everyone who takes it sees the same black guy. I'm not kidding you. Everyone!
Remember, if you write anything nasty about me, I'll come around and blow up your toilet.
Don't date the captain of the football team; be the captain of the football team.
I don't mean to be a diva, but some days you wake up and you're Barbara Streisand.
I like to behave in an extremely normal, wholesome manner for the most part in my daily life. Even if mentally I'm consumed with sick visions of violence, terror, sex and death.
I am God and my lawyers are my 12 disciples...do not f**k with me!