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Translatero.com > Citations > Citations sur le thème «Blonde»

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I sound New York. I sound East Coast much more than a blonde person from L.A.
I've had people tell me to get Mystic Tan, blonde highlights, choppy haircuts, but I've made a conscious decision not to cave.
People keep asking me if I am having more fun, being blonde, but I always have fun! Whether I'm blonde, redhead, or brunette! I always have fun.
Mr. Tall, Blonde and Lightning
Brunette is who I am obviously, it's my core. Blonde Kim is this alter ego; she has a vibe to her that I love.
Being blonde now doesn't mean Marilyn Monroe vulnerability. Blonde in the Eighties means being in control.
A blonde girl wearing a man's shirt but in all other visible respects unmanly to the point of outright effeminacy.
I've got more junk in the trunk than most 5-foot-1 blonde girls, and I like it.
Alcoholism is a genetically predisposed disease and it does run in my family. I also think I felt like a misfit. I was in the South, everybody was blonde. I just didn't feel like I fitted in. It was sort of my way of fitting.
You have to carry so many archetypes as an actor, especially as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed one.
But now that I'm a blonde, guys are so blatant about coming on to me.
I had a bunch of different hair colors. I was experimenting to see what I liked. It started off brown, then I did red, then I got really, really blonde!
I hate being a blonde.
I went blonde which killed my hair. It was a disaster. I think it was neat to do it for a bit.
The brunette phase just came about because I was fed up with this Blonde Angel Image. The rebel in me demanded a new color.
I'm not the stereotypical blonde vixen girl but rather the blonde freckled girl from Kentucky.
It is possible that blondes also prefer gentleman.
I wasn't allowed to be clever when I was young and blonde, but now I am 50 and an old blonde, I am allowed to have gravitas. With wrinkles comes wisdom.
There's only one sort of natural blonde on earth - albinos.
Well, whatever I am, I am the blonde!