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Translatero.com > Citations > Citations Ashley Tisdale

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The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.
Don't let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.
If I feel like someone's trying to bring me down, I just walk away from it.
With every character, I just bring something that I can make my own.
Sometimes, girls focus too much on relationships - like, "I need a boyfriend!" But you should really just focus on yourself. But it will all come together when you least expect it.
I hope to inspire people, influence people.
Communication is so key.
You can be plain and smart, or pretty and smart. You can even be plain and dumb! You just have to be yourself.
Music and fashion inspire each other.
Producing is just a big learning experience.
I used to hate looking in the mirror. I've grown up into myself and now I'm happy with the way I look.
I want to be with someone who wants to work as much as I do and who respects me like I respect him.
I like to have fun but my fun is different from other people's fun.
I'm very headstrong and I know what I want from life. I listen to peoples' opinions, but a lot of the time I'll trust my own instincts. I'm also really clumsy, so I'm always getting hurt.
Relationships help you learn more about what you want. If one doesn't work out, you just kind of look at it and go, Okay, well, this is what I did like and this is what I didn't like, and this is what I did wrong, and maybe I need to be more like this. And so you learn things, and that's why you grow. And you bring all the stuff that you've changed about yourself to a new relationship until you finally find that person you really, really want.
I'm a very positive person, that's something that's like my character Savannah. She's very positive in everything that she does and I'm the same way in real life. If I feel like someone's trying to bring me down, I just walk away from it. I just ignore it because sometimes when that happens you can get so involved that it does bring down your day.
I'm not just the young girl everybody thinks I am. I'm actually a woman.
I'm a confident person. I just try to be me. I like to make people laugh, I am a comedienne - so if people find me sexy, that's awesome.
I look at Jessica Alba and think she's got a great body. I think that's what women are supposed to look like.
People see me as cute, but I'm so much more than that.