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Translatero.com > Citations > Citations Anita Loos

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I'm furious about the Women's Liberationists. They keep getting up on soap-boxes and proclaiming that women are brighter than men. That's true, but it should be kept very quiet or it ruins the whole racket.
Memory is more indelible than ink.
Gentlemen prefer blondes... but gentlemen marry brunettes.
Fate keeps on happening.
I've always loved high style in low company.
The wrong side of the tracks is livelier.
A girl with brains ought to do something with them besides think.
Any girl who was a lady would not even think of having such a good time that she did not remember to hang on to her jewelry.
And what, for instance, would have happened had Romeo and Juliet lived to middle age, their silhouettes broadened by pasta?
Today there are no fairy tales for us to believe in, and this is possibly a reason for the universal prevalence of mental crack-up. Yes, if we were childish in the past, I wish we could be children once again.
A bit of conversational sex makes a pleasant climate for creative effort.
I don't think the written word is important in movies anymore and the really great movies are done by great directors who in many cases write their own scripts. I think it's gotten to be more of a visual thing than an audible thing.
Men are weak and constantly need reassurance, so now that they fail to find adulation in the opposite sex, they're turning to each other. Less and less do men need women. More and more do gentlemen prefer gentlemen.
I always think that the most delightful thing about traveling is to always be running into Americans and to always feel at home.
That our popular art forms have become so obsessed with sex has turned the U.S.A into a nation of hobbledehoys; as if grown people don't have more vital concerns, such as taxes, inflation, dirty politics, earning a living, getting an education, or keeping out of jail.
I've had my best times when trailing a Mainbocher evening gown across a sawdust floor. I've always loved high style in low company.
Pleasure that isn't paid for is as insipid as everything else that's free.
One might feel that, at my age, I should look on life with more gravity. After all, I've been privileged to listen, firsthand, tosome of the most profound thinkers of my daywho were all beset by gloom over the condition the world had gotten into. Then why can't I view it with anything but amusement?
And a Famous Film Star who is left alone is more alone than any other person has ever been in the whole Histry of the World, because of the contrast to our normal enviromint.
Sometimes writers of no talent at all can write great acting scenes. Sometimes the very best writers can't write scenes that come to life.